Resiliency and the Sovereign Empath Workshop

by Caroline Tobin | 29th October

Do you sense there is great change upon the horizon and feel uneasy/ uncertain that you have the necessary skills to flourish?

Do you feel a great urgency to be aligned with your life purpose but frustratingly are still unsure of what that is?

Do you have a magnetic pull to be of service to others right now?

Have you noticed a vampiric archetypal energy/person that continually harvests and drains your true power to transform and become a truly whole and sovereign being?

Do you struggle to stay centred, grounded and resilient during times of change and negative chaotic influences?

If you answered yes to these questions then you may be hearing the call of ‘The Hero’s Journey’ which is calling you to step on the path to discover what your true purpose and power is in this world. Are you ready to then surrender to its calling and allow this transformation to begin?


You can book your place on this workshop here or alternatively contact Caroline at [email protected] or call 07305 041857 for further information.

If you feel that you are ready to answer the call of your soul, then please book your place at in which the cost of the workshop is £50 per person.

As I believe this workshop is essential for everyone to attend, I will offer a discounted price of £35 for those who are really struggling financially at the moment as I do not want anyone to be excluded from this important work just because finances are tight for so many at the moment.

Please note this is a two-part workshop and the second part will be in Spring 2023.

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Since 2020 we have seen the world descend into much chaos, fear, isolation and confusion. Those especially sensitive to energy or who are empathic may have felt this period was incredibly distressing to witness and tough to endure.

As feelings of anxiety, overwhelm and disorientation arose, there may have been a temptation amongst us to disassociate and numb ourselves as we witnessed the intensity of our own suffering or the suffering of others. Trying to find our centre, stay grounded and balanced, keeping our hearts loving and open and remaining strong and empowered has been a mad juggling act during this intense period of change, which has left many of us not knowing if up is down or down is up or who we really are anymore, especially as the shadow may have come up for healing during this period of existential crisis.

Many sensitive souls, individually and collectively, are starting to realise that although it has been a very jarring time energetically, it is also an incredibly important and beautiful time to be alive right now on this earth. We are witnessing the awakening from the collective dream of amnesia in which we start to see beyond the veil and all that is illusion in our world. Many throughout the world are heeding the call to move through and out of the collective dark night of the soul (The Kali Yuga) and welcome a new paradigm in which the true power and the potential of human consciousness is co-created and realised through God/Source/The Great Spirit and anchored into this reality. As this metamorphoses continues, many have began contemplating about their own place in this divine tapestry and what is the purpose of their own soul is at this time. Asking questions such as how can I be of service to my brothers and sisters right now, what does that service look like and what can my soul do to bring about this transformation right now?

As part of my own life purpose, I believe this is one of the most important workshop I have created to date and is essential for empaths, healers and highly sensitive persons (HSP’s) to attend. It will help instil the necessary skills to navigate through these prophesied times and help build resiliency and mastery within you so that you remain strong, rooted and powerful in your being. It will also help you on the pathway to understanding your own life purpose and why you are here on this earth during this transitional phase. You were born for these times so that you can be of service and be the wayfarers for others to follow.

The workshop will incorporate the following themes:

  • How the Child Archetype is a precursor to accepting the call of the ‘“Hero’s Journey”
  • Natural (Spiritual) Law and how collective morality effects the Quantum Field
  • The Law of Ascent and Descent and The Law of Agreement
  • Spiritual Bypassing
  • Radical Self Responsibility
  • Emotional Resiliency
  • Blind Compassion vs True Compassion
  • Identifying deceptive, predatory and toxic influences/people and how to step into your sovereign power with courage.
  • Understanding how empaths and HSE’s can be energy sources for those with narcissistic or manipulative tendencies and how to feel comfortable saying no and the reasons we do not.



29 Oct 2022


10:00 am - 4:30 pm



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Abington Barn


Abington Barn
52 North Rd, Great Abington, Cambridgeshire, CB21 6AS
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