Sound Bath Evening with Samantha Taylor
Secret Garden Therapy invites you to a
Sound Bath
Monday 19th August, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Come and join Samantha for a relaxing evening with sound.
Listen to the sounds of crystal singing bowls, chimes, bells, tuning forks, drum and rattle, and the voice. 432hz and 528 hz plus other solfeggio sound waves.
This event brings balance to the participants and recharges the energy system. Release tension, and physical symptoms and make time for you.
It is grounding and brings mental clarity. It also helps to release stress cortisol hormones.
This event is suitable for anyone over the age of 16. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.
It is not suitable for pregnant women and those with epilepsy conditions.
Please bring a blanket and pillow, and an eye mask if required. Chairs are available.
You can pay at the door on the night (cash only) or you can pay in advance by contacting Samantha (non-refundable) on 07592 760756 or e-mail sammyjo.taylor111@gmail.com
Time: 7:00 pm – 8.00 pm
Cost: £15
Please arrive a little before the event to get settled in. We plan to hold this evening monthly.
Samantha Taylor is a medium/clairvoyant psychic, an aromatherapist, sound healer, Reiki practitioner, Shamanic healer and an Animal communicator.
You can find her on Facebook ‘Secret Garden Therapy’