Morning Yoga and Gong Bath with Deborah Hempstead for Young Minds charity
Sunday 10th March 2024 10am – 1pm
Fundraising event for Young Minds, a mental health charity for children, young people and their parents.
The combination of very gentle yoga practices, suitable for all levels, including yoga nidra with a gong bath, will help reduce stress and anxiety and find inner peace.
It is called a gong bath because you will be bathed in therapeutic sound vibrations from a sidereal moon gong, Himalayan singing bowls and chimes.
Please note a gong bath is not advised for people with audiogenic epilepsy, tinnitus, or if you are in the first trimester of pregnancy.
£35. The morning will be led by Deborah Hempstead and Dipika Jinabhai (both British Wheel of Yoga teachers). Abington Barn has kindly offered us a reduced rate which just covers their costs. Then all money raised will go to the charity.
Booking is essential as places will be limited. Please email [email protected] for more details or to book a place.